The Earth is fine It’s been there a long time
Now experts claim We are crossing a line
Between our lives And all of future kind
The precise cause They strain to define
There are the chemicals, Clean water & CO2 But see how far we’ve come
Through scientific breakthroughs
We live today Like the kings & queens of past
Yet most complain Until they draw their last breath
Now won't you come And listen to me
I'll show you things That you never have seen
I talk of ignorance, I talk of greed
Hear my words If you hunger to be free
This begs a question that you should ask
What is the trustworthy view
Through the looking glass
Cause all events Can be seen from different sides
The ones in power Decide how they guide
Factions are trying To control your thoughts
By planting concepts In a clean & tidy box
So you should always Look between the f’ing lines
The absolute truth Is hidden by design
Now won't you come And listen to me
I'll show you things That you never have seen
I talk of ignorance, I talk of greed
Hear my words If you hunger to be free
Volumes have been Inspired in our past
That offer insight On how to be our best
Yet we choose To fight among each other
Instead of learning how To create a bright future
Love is key, and striving to be
A positive part of our society
Change is a constant No matter the time of year
But higher things are at work So have no fear
Now won't you come And listen to me
I'll show you things That you never have seen
I talk of ignorance, I talk of greed
Hear my words If you hunger to be free